1. Flameball 2. Hotpitch 3. Gritball 4. Hot Block 5. Burning Ball 6. Hot Rolling Block 7. Roaring Rooster 8. Boomhanger 9. Stabber 10. Slingshot 11. Warped Pipe 12. Wobbling Wobblebug 13. Battered Bulldozer 14. Geyser 15. Brickslayer 16. Peg Leg 17. Lathe 18. Forward Lunge 19. Spearburst 20. Breech
Dan Szymborski is a senior writer for FanGraphs and the developer of the ZiPS projection system. He was a writer for ESPN.com from 2010-2018, a regular guest on a number of radio shows and podcasts, and a voting BBWAA member. He also maintains a terrible Twitter account at @DSzymborski.
That’s what Clase throws